Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 2 Day 4

This was a bad day for eating. I just could not resist the fresh baked cookies. I even contemplated not telling you about them, but decided that I am only cheating myself if I do not stay honest with me and you. Today was my first workout with weights since my surgery in May. My bicep is screaming, but it will get stronger.

Date 11 Sep 07

Day 4

of Week 2



Protein and ½ c oats

Db bench 40# 8x3

Squash Salsa and beans

Db lat raise 15# 8x3

Chicken 4 oz and ½ c brown rice


Machine flye 50# 8x3

I cheated and had some cookies

DB side raise 15# 8x3

Yogurt and protein

Machine row 90# 3x8

DB rear raise 15# 3x8

Lat pulls 120# 3x8

Arnold Presses 20# 3x8

Tri rope press 50# 8x3

DB kick backs 20# 9x3

DB Curls 20# 8x3

Push ups 20x3

Pull ups 3x3

Body weight rows 8x3

Double crunches 20x3

1 comment:

MeJustMe said...

Hey Sgt. Rob.
Good to know about your progress, cheating is bad but sometime is necessary. At the end of the day you must enjoy what you do its not a prison so don't think about it as one.
Like your manner of keeping track - something I still can't get use to.
Can you also start posting info about your current weight and how its changed from when u've estarted.

Here is the list of blogs
I think you can add all them to your "Fellow Bloggers".

Keep us updating!